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ALTICO more [polish] [english]

Country: Poland
Region: Lesser Poland
City: Skomielna Biała
Street: Skomielna Biała 574
Phone: +48 18 2687313
Fax: +48 18 2687915
Firm Rank: 0
Our company is manufacturing and exporting large amount of folding doors. We offer our customers folding doors, that earned customers recognition by high quality materials that the doors were made of. Our products can be found supermarkets like PRAKTIKER or NOMI. We have contacts and exporters in Poland, Czech, Slovakia, Hungary and Russia.[...]

Domfloor more

Country: Poland
Region: Lesser Poland
City: Wieliczka
Street: Tomaszkowice 461
Phone: +48 12 2500861
Firm Rank: 0
Firma Domfloor z wieloletnim doświadczeniem zajmuje się montażem i sprzedażą paneli podłogowych, paneli ściennych, drzwi, mebli ogrodowych, podłóg drewnianych, a także wszelkich akcesorii. Domfloor w swoim asortymencie posiada, panele kronopol, panele quick step, panele balterio, panele krono original, a także wiele innych produktów znanych producentów podłóg, paneli. Dzięki zaufaniu i kontaktom firma została wyłącznym dystrybutorem w kraju ekskluzywnych mebli Grosfillex.[...]

FHU DAGO Daniel Dąbrowski more

Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Warszawa
Street: Chełmżyńska 180
Phone: +48 22 6103117
Firm Rank: 0
Szanowni Państwo, Mamy przyjemność zaprosić Państwa do grona naszych partnerów handlowych. Firma Dago & Stolarstwo jest polskim producentem wyrobów meblarskich w szerokim zakresie. Oferujemy: Wyroby meblarskie – szafy, komody, meblościanki itp. Wyposażenie biur i lokali użytkowych. Zabudowy obiektów użytkowych Elementy meblarskie – fronty, formatki i inne. Ekspozytory, regały reklamowe, stoiska handlowe i ekspozycyjne Stoiska targowe stacjonarne i przenośne[...]


Country: Poland
Region: Lodz
City: Sulejów
Street: ul. Zielona1, Włodzimierzów
Phone: +48 44 7890988
Fax: +48 44 6192126
Firm Rank: 0
Na rynku istniejemy 10 lat. Działamy w kilku branżach - reklamowej oraz wyposażenia wnętrz. Prowadząc działalność reklamową oraz kilka sklepów internetowych oraz sprzedając na Allegro zyskaliśmy kilkadziesiąt tysięcy zadowolonych klientów. Nasze serwisy internetowe: - standy reklamowe do 2 metrów wysokości, fotostandy, w niskich i średnich nakładach - już od 1 sztuki. - szablony malarskie w mega rozmiarach- z tworzywa do wielkokrotngo[...]

LUCKY LUKE Dom i ogród w drewnie more [polish] [english]

Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Warszawa
Street: Soczi 4/23
Phone: +48 22 4074059
Fax: +48 22 4074059
Firm Rank: 0
LUCKY LUKE company is engaged in sale of wooden elements of bathroom furnishing, such as: mirrors, cupboards, shelves, etc. Articles offered by LUCKY LUKE are hand-made by Polish highlanders, thanks to skills transferred from father to son through many generations. Our products are made of various sort of wood, e.g.: linden, alder, spruce, and the blacksmiths decorate them with metal elements such as: hinges, ferrules. The articles are unique, because they are hand-made from raw piece of[...]

Company "UkrElka" more [polish] [english]

Country: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
City: Kiev
Street: Radgospnaja str.
Phone: +38 044 3628923
Fax: +38 044 3626623
Firm Rank: 0
“UkrElka” company is the supplier of giant artificial Christmas trees from 3m. the Ukrainian manufacture, that produces fir-tree toys, light treetops and fences for a fir-trees. Having addressed to our company "UkrElka" you can choose and buy giant artificial Christmas trees from 3м., light treetops, plastic Christmas tree toys, illumination and fences for giant artificial Christmas tree. If you buy giant (from 3m. up to 120 m ) Christmas trees first of all you will receive an[...]

Fabryka Naczyń Kamionkowych Manufaktura Sp.J. Smoleński&Zwierz more [polish] [english]

Country: Poland
Region: Lower Silesia
City: Bolesławiec
Street: Gdańska 30
Phone: +48 75 7322062
Fax: +48 75 7326956
Firm Rank: 0
The stoneware factory “Manufaktura” was established in 1993. It has been evolving out of the small business of Smoleński & Zwierz families. Today this family partnership works very well and still developes. Ten years ago the factory was employing 10 people while presently over 130 employers can find the work here. We are one of the leading producers of stoneware which is decorated by hand in a way that is called the stamp method. In order to obtain the highest quality of product we[...]

B. K. Fabryka Dywanów Kietrz more [polish] [english]

Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Szymanów
Street: Elżbietów 48
Phone: +48 46 8640517
Fax: +48 46 8640524
Firm Rank: 0
I would like to send you the first catalogue of our carpets, which includes patterns and dimensions of our products. I hope that every Purchaser will find and choose a unique carpet just for them. As Carpet Factory in Kietrz is the only place of this kind, I would like to restore its old role. The whole process of carpets manufacturing, due to its unique technology, takes place, as a complete cycle, in our factory. Preparation of wool yarn on a 130-year old spinning frame makes from this factory[...]